Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!

Waa...dh raya dah...kejap je kan...aku tau raya ni mmg best la coz dpt raya bsama yg tersayang,family smua ada...sygku baizura yg ku cintai serta family yg lain..

Lama dh aku x raya di samping kekasih coz dh 2-3 thn menyingle..ngee...tp tis time its special..im wit her..best nyer..
Mlm td smpt g umah dia visit family n mesti la nk jmpe dia..i love her so much.pd aku,dpt jmpe org yg kita syg pd mlm raya,sgt touching...lebih bermakna..tatau nape..

Raya ni aku mmg x ckp tido,tido takat sjam je kot.kol 7am bru nk tdo.mana xnye,setelkn aquarium,kemas umah n mcm2 lg la.kalah thn2 yg lepas..

Haa..dgn ni aku nak amik peluang ni tuk menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun n maaf zahir n batin pd smua yg mengenali diriku ini..
Akhir kata...


Selamat Hari Raya!

Waa...dh raya dah...kejap je kan...aku tau raya ni mmg best la coz dpt raya bsama yg tersayang,family smua ada...sygku baizura yg ku cintai serta family yg lain..

Lama dh aku x raya di samping kekasih coz dh 2-3 thn menyingle..ngee...tp tis time its special..im wit her..best nyer..
Mlm td smpt g umah dia visit family n mesti la nk jmpe dia..i love her so much.pd aku,dpt jmpe org yg kita syg pd mlm raya,sgt touching...lebih bermakna..tatau nape..

Raya ni aku mmg x ckp tido,tido takat sjam je kot.kol 7am bru nk tdo.mana xnye,setelkn aquarium,kemas umah n mcm2 lg la.kalah thn2 yg lepas..

Haa..dgn ni aku nak amik peluang ni tuk menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun n maaf zahir n batin pd smua yg mengenali diriku ini..
Akhir kata...


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Update blog?

Wow,u couldn't believe its my first time update my blog using my hp..at first i jst couldn'nt believe dat my lousy phone could be use for dat purpose...then,wallaa its done...
Now i cn update my blog anytime anywhere but wit a price to bear...huhu.
I guess technology plays a main part in our daily life....
Bubbye for now!daaa..

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Letter To my Love.....

Sayangku baizura angel...
u, first of all i nak wish u happy anniversary yang ke 4 bulan....kejap je dah 4 bulan. I hope kita dapat kecapi kebahagian dimasa yang mendatang...

secondly i tetap nak mintak maaf kat u coz couldn't be there when u really need me. I'm sorry coz i couldn't confort u...i tot i did my best coz u know my situation, dgn mot0 tayar pancit...keta roadtax mati and few reason yg you je yg tau kn....i mmg tak dapat b there wit u....i really want to....u know i really want...

syg...i really love u so damn much..u know i do...its just my situation byk membuatkan i jadi tak tntu hala...got to settle lots of things...im in my critical situation now....i really need u by my side now...u r the only one dat i really2 need rite now...u understand me...u r my angel, u r my lucifer,u r my baby and most of all u r my EVERYTHING..yes u r everything to me now...

since i met u syg, i fell in love wit ur kindness and ur care...U are the most caring person i know. u care for ur family, ur friends and u cared bout me...i really love and appreciate it syg...i think we are ment for each other coz kita nie sama2 gatz and dats not all...we understand each other...ingat tak masa u tgh marah giler...i calm u down....n vice versa...we played our part..

syg, i know im not the most handsome bf u ever have, the hero u wants when u need me coz i might not b there for u when u need me, i know im not a sumbody dat can buy u things when u want,i know im useless......but u know wat...selagi i live, i will do everyhing i can to make u happy, to fill ur life wit love and to be ur Bf...i will do my very best syg...coz i know i love u...and i want da best for u sayang....i will do my best untill i die...

i dun care if im the last person to be there wit u...besides ur family, ur friends smua....but i do care bout u too syg...u know it rite...

u wont be the last person in the whole world for me to be with coz u r very special to me..i will regret it if i lose u.....